Sometime, i was thinking what the special aspect i have untill so many people want to close with me? It is because my sis always condemn me, make me feel i am useless. But to people who really appreciate who i am in their life, it cherish me. =)
First of all, of course the celebrities, chat with me
They interact with me although has thousand of fan! I just an ordinary fan. Feel great.
Second, the head person in my association remember me, in thousand of people them met
They are busy people to strive the life, met so many people. Feel important.
Third, my friends who always cheerish me.
I was impress they, but they impress me, this situation make me more impress them. Love u all. =)
Fourth, friends from group owned by my friends, Y.P.K.E: Bubu, Acai Apek,Semut Hitam, Fadthiyatul, Rien Rose, and all.
Last but not least, my family who very very very very der understand me..
Ommani, Abujie, Oppa plus Unnie Yah, Unnie plus Oppa Ruzli, Unnie Jag plus Oppa Syarif, Dongseng Bah, Dongseng Cik Ah and Dongseng (Mie). Adam, Aidi, Alim, Merah, and Budak Kecik (Umai), Farah, Iesha, Amar, Bihah, and Syafrien.
Feel i am very special. Thank's ALLAH =)
Anything can happen, that why life is wonderful. Struggle to get what u aim but be sure don't hurt any one. No one you shouldn't hurt their feels!
Terima kasih sudi baca entri ni. Sudi-sudikan diri ‘like’ kat bawah entri ni dan fan page atas sana ya. Sayang korang.
Kalau rasa entri ni ada nilai dan berguna, sila tekan +1 kat bawah ni, ya.
Kalau rasa entri ni ada nilai dan berguna, sila tekan +1 kat bawah ni, ya.
everybody is special to somebody :)
BalasPadamazri: yup.. everyone is special =)
BalasPadamjap apa sepecialnya aku ni kat mata kawan2 aku.. emmmm... kuat makan kot hahahahahaha..
BalasPadamwah feeling feeling la entry ni..:P
u are special, and a winner ;)
BalasPadamu r so special dear.. so do i..hihi..
BalasPadamAbu: ko special sebab ko bengong2 mcm aku jugak. haha~
BalasPadamAah, feeling je kan entri ni. Feeling perasan. Kahkah.
Zuan: tq bro =)
BalasPadamsiswi: am i?
BalasPadamSetiap ciptaanNya ada keistimewaan ..... rileks ....
BalasPadamhuhu tak paham ke mksud tu? u r special coz everyone is special, u are the winner coz there is no losers :)
BalasPadamEveryone is a winner..each in own ways is gifted by own talent..just search it within oneself and insyaAllah will find it.. :D
BalasPadamAcik: sha rileks je ni =)
BalasPadamramai yg sayang. =)
zuan: ayat tu lain kali, bagi terang =)
BalasPadamok, dah faham dah =)
speck: =)
BalasPadammd: ya, that true =)