I hate a liar!
Dont want tell many more bcoz i dnt want make me lost my good mood.. enough for half day i in bad mood.
I am nervous because i just get message from my friend, Saw Teck Chew, we have class already by tommorow! Wargh, student resident not open yet! And i not ready go back to campus.
After thinking, i want go to campus with Saw n his MyVi. Hihi. I'm fortunately my friend is not stingy n brkira. Wanna ask he to fecth me at Shahab Perdana, Alor Setar. TQ Saw, i very appreciate.. I think about to buy he something meal at Radix Fried Chicken (RFC). Tak pernah cuba lagi. Teringin.
Hope everything is ok..
My mum asked me to ask Saw to go my home to kenal2 dgn my parent but i already shame because don't want la menyusahkan dia. Dah la dia tumpangkan aku pun dah banyak berterima kasih.
TQ Saw.
tq Carina...
BalasPadamCarina berkata ...
Life is the story of creation and forgotten. .