Moving o I like to move it, move it. She like to? Move it! hehe o Actually, I dislike to move but I have to move not because my housemate gv me a problem. Never but I have to move because to get my facilities who provided by government ( via KPT- Economy Bajet 2009). So, y not I grab this? Government pay for this hostel.. so, what for I throw my money to pay the rent house? Is’nt? Discussion of moving SWOT Go to vacation o Thailand… Konglaha Wat, songkla, Samila Beach, Songkla and Songkla Lake. Hadtyai. Shopping o Best. enjoy plus our van is tourist guide and people organize is there. They are okay bcoz my friend tease them 1st plus them have a good character. o The tourist guide also follow our want o The another van tourist guide, handsome man, Hassan his name. Nice but dont know to speak Malay even English. o I speak thai with the aunty (sale girl at stall). Lucky me. Nasib bek la cek ni tau sikit2 bahasa Thai… hikhik. Kalau korang nak belajar, boleh klik sin...